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Under the new power system, how to preserve the value of photovoltaic power station assets?
发布时间:2018-08-31 16:15:53 点击次数:199

With the increase in the penetration rate of new energy and the continuous improvement of grid access standards, a large number of photovoltaic power plants will enter a period of technological transformation. Because it does not meet the latest grid access standards, most of the core equipment such as photovoltaic inverters that have been running for many years will need to be replaced in the technical transformation, which will bring huge costs to the power station owners.

However, can core equipment such as inverters only be replaced?

Recently, in the technical renovation of Beixiang Gonghe photovoltaic power station in Qinghai, the Sunshine inverter that has worked for more than 10 years does not need to replace or replace hardware. Only through software upgrade, the smooth evolution of network performance can be achieved, which solves the problem of the current photovoltaic power station technical renovation. It is a common industry problem to replace inverters!

According to the "Notice on Technical Requirements for New Energy Power Stations of Qinghai Power Grid" issued by Qinghai Province, it is required that "the parameters of the inverter equipment of the new energy power station in the Qinghai DC near area must meet the high and low voltage ride-through and continuous voltage ride-through under the AC and DC faults of the power grid", and at the same time It meets the "1.3p.u voltage tolerance and 51.5Hz frequency tolerance", and those that do not meet the technical requirements will not be connected to the grid.

In response to the operation requirements of Qingyu Power Grid, Sungrow proactively uses intelligent grid-connected algorithms to smoothly upgrade the "10-year inverter" to achieve "stable grid connection", "fast testing", and "technical innovation":

"Grid-connected stability"

Sungrow innovatively integrates intelligent algorithms such as dynamic reshaping of inverter port impedance, adaptive genlock, transient overvoltage suppression, etc., to ensure that the inverter will not be disconnected from the grid under extreme conditions of continuous high and low penetration, and improve the grid access capability.

"quick test"

Lightweight deployment, completed the transformation in 20 minutes, and passed the test of the Electric Power Research Institute at one time.

"Technical Reform Province"

Pure software upgrade, no need to replace equipment, 0 hardware cost, reduce the cost of technical transformation by more than 90%, and greatly improve the IRR of the power station.

As a witness of the Beixiang PV project passing the network-related test at one time, Zhang Xu, President of Eleven Technology Qinghai Branch, said in an interview, "Sunshine inverters not only simply meet the needs of the time, but are still in use today 10 years later. Create a surprise for us. This technical renovation does not require replacement of equipment and hardware, which not only speeds up the renovation progress, but also reduces the cost of technical renovation by about 97%. All in all, it is stable, fast and economical!”

In the process of building a new power system with new energy as the main body, the power grid will be more and more challenged by "double high". As a global leader in clean power conversion technology, Sungrow will continue to strengthen forward-looking technologies around the friendliness of the power grid. R&D and innovation, with more advanced products and solutions, help customers maximize the benefits of the power plant throughout the life cycle, and at the same time make photovoltaic power plants better meet the development needs of the zero-carbon era!



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